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Taking into account the open nature of these conferences and as in its precedents, the IV Meeting/XII Conference does not focus on any specific field, stage, aesthetics, style, period, instrument, group or discipline. Consequently, any proposal, whatever its central axis, can be admitted, provided that it is clearly related to musical education and training and music didactics, understood, as noted, in a very broad way, active and open, although with the scientific basis that should govern a meeting of this type. In the same way, oral communications, posters, audiovisuals, performances or any other format could be accepted.

In principle, the defenses of the communications will last a strict 15 minutes each, followed by 10 minutes of debate, although the final time will be indicated by the organizing committee to each communicator once the approved proposals have been distributed in the program.

The deadline for submission of proposals ends on September 30, 2023. To participate, you must send it by email a Word file that includes a 300-word summary and a brief resume that includes affiliation, email, and phone number. The decision of the scientific committee of its acceptance will be communicated before October 15, 2023.


In principle, 15 communications will be accepted that will integrate 3 communications tables. They will be selected by the scientific committee in an anonymous and rigorous process. The decision will be final.

In the same way, a communication-recital can be presented, explicitly the result of their own academic research and linked to the didactics of any instrument. In this case, the live interpretation of the musical proposal or a part of it and a commented summary of it would be included. The presentation time will be the same as in the rest of the cases, in principle 15 minutes plus another 10 for debate.

In the case of communications defended by more than one person, all of them must register. The defense of one communication per person is only allowed, whether it is carried out individually or in a group. In addition, the accepted papers must be presented in person by all the authors, not admitting delegation in the reading of the texts.

The organization cannot be responsible for the travel, subsistence or lodging expenses of the people whose proposals are accepted.s.

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